Either/Or Eatery & Patio is an eclectic neighborhood restaurant and playscape concept that includes a little bit of everything on the menu — from caviar to fried bologna. Project7 Design worked with owners to incorporate the quirkiness of ‘your stoner parents’ basement’ vibe while still feeling fresh and family-friendly. The typographic logo mark is paired with a library of corresponding patterns and icons that incorporate themes from the interior design of the space, which includes colorful and quirky décor.
P7 built a design template for a three-part menu system that E/O staff can update and print in-house to keep up with ever-changing food and drink offerings. In addition, p7 created a simple and fun custom website design for Either/Or that includes the full food and drink menu, a photo gallery, and more.
Client Testimonial
Working with Project7 Design was one of the easier parts of opening Either/Or! The team worked diligently with our expedited timeline and delivered everything we needed by the time we opend our doors. The best part of working with p7 was how flexible they were with ideas and concepts as we sat at the table — Kat, Kate, Bridget and others were always down for a quick change in pace and talked us through each worry we had. Either/Or would highly and lovingly recommend working with p7 on any project you may need — they are 10/10! We love Kevin, too!
– Natalie Shimp, Either/Or General Manager