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Teamwork Decoded

Jess working at her desk

Five years ago, Project7 teamed up with Anna Mason Consulting to craft her brand identity and website. Fast forward to today, and we’re proud to be part of Anna’s journey as her training and coaching business has flourished. One of the coolest tools she offers clients is The Predictive Index (PI), a behavioral assessment software tool. PI helps businesses hire the right people for their culture, engage teams, and understand how to work better together.

Every p7 team member takes a PI assessment, and then Anna breaks down our profiles with an overview of each person’s superpowers and opportunities for growth. In a recent team-building workshop, Anna used the Team Discovery platform to dive even deeper into our personal motivators, contributions, communication styles, and how we collaborate and compliment one another.

Oh, and yes — even Kevin participated in the team training. Turns out Anna identified that he may be uncomfortable in ambiguous situations (totally true!).

Kevin in a team discovery session with Anna Mason Consulting
Kevin's Predictive Index profile graphic

Stabilizing but Never Stale

Labeled a Stabilizing Team, our team discovery was summarized as structured, task-focused, and practical. Each of us brings unique strengths (hello, “PI factors”), with heavy emphasis on Teamwork & Employee Experience and Process & Precision. Together, our overlapping strengths create a balanced team that gets things done and has a good time doing it.

Anna pointed out one potential caution area: the ol’ “process for process’s sake” trap—when workflows get so detailed, they slow things down instead of speeding them up. This cautionary tale is one we’ve heard before and watch for as we continuously improve our processes and workflows, but through insightful training like Anna’s, we’ve learned to harness our collective strengths through collaboration and continuously improve. (Check out our recent blog, We <3 Collaboration for more!).

To tie it all together, Anna had us set personal goals for Q1 and team up with an accountability partner to keep us honest (and growing). It was the perfect way to wrap up — a mix of self-reflection, teamwork, and just enough friendly pressure to make sure we follow through.

Learn more about Anna Mason Consulting and explore more work here!